Friday, September 7, 2012

Death Art: The original Headstone of Daisy Williams

This was Daisy Williams' original headstone. The headstone was replaced after an unknown person or persons vandalized the monument causing Daisy's family to replace it with the current structure on Monument Hill. This headstone was a work of art because of the attention to detail that was paid while designing the monument. The lilly's on the left hand side are beautiful recreations of the living flower and originally there would have been an angel or cherub toping the marker. Since the angel is now missing we can only assume that the creature was a beautiful rendition of an angel by the attention the stone carver paid while creating the shawl that falls across the top of the stone. Daisy's marker is an example of how humans value art even when commemorating the deaths of loved ones. Daisy's original headstone now rests behind the Sweet Briar Museum at Sweet Briar College.

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